Setting up static websites hosted by Github, with Jekyll

Yes that’s a mouth-full, but it describes the shortest path to setting up a blog for the modestly code-savvy blogger. Jekyll is the simplest of all content management systems for building a website. Github, if you are familiar with it as a code-sharing repository, incidentally also serves webpages. Think of the file that GitHub shows for each respository. So as a sideline, they’ve created a way for one to serve a directory with collections of pages residing in a repository.

In its own words, Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator. This means one can run it to creates a website. To create page content, place files in a designated folder in Jekyll’s directory structure. These files can be conventional html files, perhaps left over from a previous website, or, more conveniently, files written with markdown that it styles and converts to html, with templates for custom formats such as headers and footers.

Jekyll is a command line application which includes a web server that is written in Ruby. To run Jekyll, Ruby must be installed on one’s local machine, then the Jekyll package (a Ruby gem) installed for Ruby. Then to expose the website publically, push the Jekyll directory structure to a Github account created for that purpose and it’s complete.

BTW, there is a python work-alike to Jekyll called Hyde. Be cautious about getting involved with this evil twin! As pythonic as one may be, the Jekyll installation is straightforward, and you’ll end up learning about Ruby which is a really cool language.

Here’s the GitHub Pages documentation. In fact, one can create a markdown-editable site entirely with GitHub Pages, but it will lack any Jekyll’s templating nicenesses. We won’t go there.

The steps to get this in place

Set up Jekyll in Ruby

~$ ruby –version
ruby 2.2.2p95 […]

You’ll also need Ruby’s package manager, Bundler. Ruby comes with a built-in package manager called gem that manages Ruby packages that are called, naturally, gems. Bundler is used to run Ruby in an environment that guarantees that the needed packages are loaded and up-to-date.

$ bundle install

to implement that gems file in the directory where the Gemsfile resides, typically just below your repository directory. The trick is that this directory must be both a git repository and a Jekyll site. I did this by first creating the Jekyll site, then creating the repository and copying the site’s contents into the repository. Jekyll will complain if you create a new site within an existing directory.

So, first the Jekyll setup:

$ bundle exec jekyll new my_tmp_site

$ bundle exec jekyll build my_tmp_site

Connect to the directory and start the server

$ cd my_tmp_site; jekyll serve

It should respond with a message that you can browse the site, at http://localhost:4000

Create a user page repository

You’ll create a user page repository assuming the repository you are creating is solely for hosting your blog, not as part of a documentation site for a code project. You can choose the README option, and optionally choose a license file. (Or go to e.g. creativecommons and choose an appropriate license.) Don’t go into settings and choose the auto-generated option! That’s for a GitHub website that doesn’t use Jekyll. When GitHub sees the Jekyll directory structure in your master branch, GitHub knows to run your contents through the Jekyll templating engine and serve your site! To be exact, GitHub knows this because the repository name is the same as your account name, eg. to generate a website from the Jekyll site at

Content from the master branch of your repository will be used to build and publish your GitHub site.

$ git clone

Then mv the entire contents of my_tmp_site to the root of the repository. (Note that the Gemfile stays at the level below, where you’ve been running Bundle commands. )

Then all that’s needed is to commit and push the site contents to the new remote repository:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m”new Jekyll build”
$ git push origin master

The edit, run, deploy cycle

Since Jekyll serves locally, and also identically on the GItHub server, you can see you changes locally simply by keeping the local server running as you edit markdown files in your repository. Start a local server in the root directory by running

$ jekyll serve

The command responds with the location of _config.yml and the _site directory where results go. It ends with instruction on how to view your work:

Server address:
Server running… press ctrl-c to stop.

Edits will appear as you refresh your browser pointing to localhost:4000

Then when you want to deploy your changes, just push the repository commits to GitHub, so GitHub will see them. That’s all need be done to make the changes go ‘‘live.”